Marble is basically metamorphosed limestone, which means that the limestone has undergone changes at the mineralogical, chemical and crystallographic levels. The baseline element is calcium carbonate. Marble derives its name from the Greek 'marmaros' meaning 'shining stone', which has further developed into the English word 'marmoreal' or marble-like. Marble is associated with the astrological sign Gemini.
Natural marble is obtained from quarries the same way as granite is, but good marble (as flawless as possible) is relatively harder to find. It is also produced synthetically, but this marble is almost always easily distinguishable fr
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om the natural kind.
Marble has been a building medium of choice since the beginning of recorded time. Some of the world's most famous historic structures, including the fabled Taj Mahal in India, have been built from marble. It is renowned for the beauty of its translucence, durability and ability to stay cool even under extremely hot conditions. In most Eastern countries, a home with a marble floor places the owner in a distinctly higher social category than the rest.
Marble is also the professional sculptor's most cherished medium, both because of its beauty and the fact that its relative softness makes it easy to shape under the chisel. Its waxy properties lend it to the creation of life-like sculptures, such as those by historic Greek artists.
Various grades of high quality marble are known by the location of the quarries they are sourced from – for instance, the white marble most prized by sculptors throughout history is quarried from Carrara in Italy. Other places that yield precious marble are Paros and Penteli in Greece, Proconnesus in Turkey and Macael in Spain.
The world over marble, as an architectural or artistic medium, signifies refinement of taste and social eminence.
Wood Flooring provides detailed information about wood flooring, laminate wood flooring, hard wood flooring, engineered wood flooring and more. Wood Flooring is the sister site of How To Clean Marble.
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